Welcome To Wildwood Christian Retreat Center

We believe in providing a sanctuary for Christian leaders to withdraw from daily distractions and engage in transformative renewal of body, mind, and spirit. Our retreats are carefully designed to empower leaders, enabling them to return to their roles invigorated, equipped with a renewed vision, and prepared to lead with impactful purpose. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Southeast South Dakota, our center spans 180 acres along the tranquil James River, offering an optimal balance of accessibility and seclusion. Our diverse terrain, including vast open plains and densely wooded areas, serves as the perfect backdrop for spiritual growth and reflection.

We invite you to experience a space where you can deepen your connection with God and prepare to serve at greater capacity. We’re blessed to have the opportunity to see what God has in store for you and the lives of those you touch.

Trevor & Chelly


Wildwood Christian Retreat Center is a sanctuary where Christian leaders can withdraw from daily distractions and engage in transformative renewal of body, mind, and spirit through intentional sabbatical. Our retreats empower leaders to return to their roles invigorated, equipped with a renewed vision, and prepared to lead with impactful purpose.


Driven by God’s vision inspired by Romans 12:1-2, we support Christian leaders as they offer themselves daily as living sacrifices to serve God’s people. Our retreat center provides a sanctuary for these leaders to step back from worldly pressures, renewing their mind, body, and spirit. This transformation empowers them to discern and follow God’s good and perfect will, making a greater impact in their churches, businesses, and communities.

BUT FIRST WE NEED YOU: While we have laid the groundwork for this serene sanctuary, we are not yet fully operational and need your support to bring our vision to full fruition.

Land Acquisition

Your contributions are vital for securing the land and funding future construction projects. This foundational phase is crucial for ensuring we aquire this dedicated space where leaders can focus on spiritual and personal growth.

 Leadership Development

Funding for leadership development programs equips leaders with enhanced vision and insights. Your donations enable us to offer retreats, events, and guided sabbaticals, equipping leaders to better serve their communities.

Community Enhancement

By supporting leaders in their renewal journey, you amplify their ability to impact their churches, businesses, and communities. Your investment helps leaders return rejuvenated, ready to inspire and uplift many lives.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Romans 12:1-2


Thank you for considering a donation to support Wildwood Christian Retreat Center’s crucial efforts to secure our property and expand our facilities. Your generosity plays a vital role in ensuring we are debt-free and able to provide this sanctuary without imposing hefty fees.


Your one-time donation supports our efforts to purchase the property and build out our facilities, including:

  • Property Purchase: Your contribution helps us secure the sanctuary where Christian leaders can find rest and renewal.
  • Expanding Facilities: Funds go towards increasing our capacity to offer versatile spaces for events, retreats, and programs.
  • Creating a Transformative Environment: Your support helps create an environment where spiritual renewal ignites significant, mission-focused impacts within churches, communities, and ministries.


Becoming a monthly donor is a powerful way to contribute to our ongoing mission. Your sustained support helps fund crucial developments, ensuring we continue to provide a serene and nurturing environment for Christian leaders.

  • Flexible Giving: Choose an amount that resonates with you. Every contribution, big or small, plays a crucial role.
  • Simple Setup: Start your monthly donation today with ease, and adjust your contribution at any time.

In Person

Donating cash is a straightforward way to contribute. Connect with one of our staff to give in person. Your cash donations are immediately impactful, helping us continue our work without delay.

By Check

Make a meaningful contribution by mailing a check. This traditional form of giving is simple and effective. Please make checks payable to Wildwood Christian Retreat Center and send them to 5032 S. Bur Oak Pl. #115, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108. Your generosity helps sustain our mission.

Give Online

For convenience and immediacy, donate online. Click Here and follow the secure donation process. This method allows you to contribute from anywhere, at any time, and see the immediate effect of your generosity.


Want to join the mission or have questions? Looking to use the space once we are operational? Contact us to get on our notification list for the grand opening!

    Want To Join The Mission Or Have Questions? Contact us!

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